In All Things, God Works

Click here to listen to the audio recording of this message

In all things, God works. Even during the darkest times of our life, God continues to work God’s purposes out.

I’ve been through some pretty dark times in my life – a long history of depression, a survivor of sexual abuse, a month in a psychiatric hospital. Life can be tough! And when we or those we love are in the midst of suffering, we often wonder where God is in all this. We wonder how God can allow these bad things. And how God can make anything good come out of the bad.

In Romans 8:28, Paul assures us that in all things, God works for our good. But this verse, so thrown around, can feel like an assault, rather than a beacon of hope, when we are in the midst of suffering. When suffering is really bad, it is hard to imagine that God could in any way be involved. It becomes hard to remember that God loves us, passionately.

This recording is a re-presentation of the transcript of a sermon that I delivered five years ago. A friend of mine, who found this sermon meaningful back then, sent it to me recently, to preach my own sermon back at me, while I have been going through a difficult time. And I felt ministered to. She didn’t know this, but it was particularly meaningful because this month it has been 20 years since I was admitted to hospital for severe depression, an experience that is one of the touchstones of my life. And so, I present this message again, as a podcast, hoping that it may minister to you.

In all things, God works. Even during the darkest times of our life, God continues to work God’s purposes out.

Click here to access the written transcription of this sermon, as preached on 27 July 2008.

13 thoughts on “In All Things, God Works

  1. Marianne says:

    Thank you, Adrian, I always enjoy your sermons, with their profound and heartfelt insights. May you always be blessed, in Jesus.


  2. I meant to say that the photo of the tapestry comes from with appreciation


  3. Jane Slater says:

    You just dont know how timeous this is, right now, today! I remember hearing this sermon when you originally preached it and now today I am with my brother-in-law in Yorkshire with my sister very ill in hospital. He had just said to me that he cannot understand why this has happened to her and his faith is wavering. Then I open my emails and ……. wow, God is good! Just cant access the audio or the written version right now but maybe I am doing something wrong – will persevere!


  4. moragt says:

    Thank you. This has given me much food for thought. I guess there is that wish and hope that as a follower of God, our suffering could just be undone, and sometimes, I must confess, I get frustrated that it can’t all just be fixed with a lightning bolt or something! 🙂


    • Hi Morag. Gosh a lightning bolt or something would be fabulous, wouldn’t it! I can think of more than a few times I’d have liked a situation (perhaps even a person or two) to be bolted!

      I’m no masochist, but I can’t help but believe that suffering is, in some round about way, important for our development. Did you watch the animated film Wall-E? Remember how doughnutting humanity had become by having all the stress and suffering removed from their lives? I think I’d become like them if I didn’t suffer from time to time. It sucks, but I think we need it somehow. Eish, life can be complicated sometimes.

      Loving thoughts coming north from South Africa towards England xxxx


  5. Ms. Lebogang Morudu says:

    Good evening Adrian.

    I am unable to download the transcript on my phone. Is there another way in which I can get a hold of it?

    Thank you.



  6. Cathy Nicholson says:

    Hi Adrian,
    Just read this lovely sermon again. This part of Romans 8 was very special to my Dad and he often comforted us with it during his struggles with cancer. When ever he referred to v28, in the same breath he never failed to refer back to v26 & 27. In my mind verse 28 has to be supported by verse 26, 27. Knowing that the Spirit intercedes, prays for you when trouble overwhelms us is hugely comforting to me.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful amazing preaching.


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